She’s Crawling

Precious started crawling Wednesday!  Yippee!  Her legs are so strong, that we don’t think it’ll be long before she’s walking too. 

She’s also eating us out of house and home.  The other night– 2 jars of peas, a jar of pears, and some avacado.  She’s getting baby fat!  She’s still waking up at least once in the night, but Shane and I are still taking turns so it’s not too bad. 

Her second upper tooth popped through a few days ago.  She is still teething, so she’s a little fussy.  But still the happiest baby we know. 

She’ll be 1 Saturday! 

One thought on “She’s Crawling

  1. Happy Birthday dear little girl.
    Praising God with your family that you are in the best home in the world.

    Praying for you to follow the Lord all the days of your life,


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