Following The Dream

I have a dream.  A big dream.  We have a dream.  A big dream.  A dream that hasn’t come to fruition yet in the way we’ve dreamed it.  But God is allowing us to live the dream in different ways.  Shane has a pastor’s heart.  People that don’t know have even called him Pastor over the years.  He is very blessed to be a teaching elder.  Extremely blessed to be in the pulpit 1-2 Sundays a month.

Him being there the last couple of years has almost made the dream worse.

It’s almost, but not yet.

It seems to be the way of our life.

Almost but not yet.

I’ve been a part of P31 OBS these last 5 weeks.  The study is “What happens when women walk in faith”.  Lysa TurKuerst has challenged us to let God plan our dream because His dreams are SO much better than our dreams…

And I agree wholeheartedly.

I had dreams of a husband and children from a young age.  That dream most certainly did not come the way I planned.  But God’s plan was SO much better!

God's dream

I had dreams of helping others (my degree is in Social Work).  Well God’s dreams are DEFINITELY better than where I could have been with that!  But I’ve been blessed to work in small groups,with our hospitality committee at church and had opportunities to sharpen iron with some precious people over the years.

We had dreams of speaking in home school circles.  We have both had some small opportunities, but not the opportunities we had in mind.  We were blessed to volunteer with our state organization for several years.  That did not turn out the way I had hoped, but in hindsight, I can see God’s perfect plan in removing us from that situation.

Shane has dreams to Pastor.  20 years and we’re still waiting…wondering if it will EVER be the way we want.  God has given Him some incredible opportunities, some behind a pulpit; others in living life where he’s planted.  He was blessed to work in Christian radio for many years…we cannot count the number of folks he was privileged to encourage and pray for and with over those years.  Even now, he is a light among those he works for and with, and in this position, the light of Jesus NEEDS to shine bright!

Is this the dream we had more than 20 years ago?  No.  So many things are not even close to what we thought.  But I know that God’s dream.  God’s plan is better than anything I can imagine.  So I will continue to follow His plan for our dreams.

And I will be content even if His dreams for us NEVER, ever look like the dream in my mind.

Christy signature

I’m linking up with Kate at 5 minute Friday today.  If God has given you have the dream to write, I encourage you to pop over and join in the fun.  The rules are simple.  5 minutes of writing on the word she provides.  No edits, no spell check (ok, maybe some spell check, hehe).  Just pure writing.  Visit your FMF neighbor and leave a comment for them.

5 thoughts on “Following The Dream

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart with us about your dreams. I have dreams and desires that remain unfulfilled as well. I trust God’s timing is perfect for both of us. Sometimes He needs to fine-tune us a little to make our dreams line up with His dreams for us. Be blessed as you follow your dreams and The One who gave them to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dreaming is an act of courage and obedience, isn’t it? it takes courage not to let-go or give up and obedience to willingly lay aside our expectations to embrace His plans. So grateful that we sit under the Author of dreams and that He writes them over our lives with eternity in mind…He gives us what we need, not what we want. Thats been a hard pill to swallow for me at times, but He always proves to do exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever even begin to dream for myself. So great to meet you through FMF…blessings, dreamer!


  3. HI Christy, I am right there with you. The waiting is so hard when it’s something we are so deeply passionate about. I did the P31 OBS study Walk In Faith too and loved it. I think its one to go back to again and again. Thanks for sharing your heart!


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